Blogging For SEO: How To Improve Your Blog Content For SEO

25272_Blogging For SEO- How To Improve Your Blog Content For SEO

Hey everyone, Adam here. Older brother at SEO Brothers. In today’s video we’re going to talk about blog posts and blog content. Specifically, I’ll touch on three things you can do right now to start getting more value and traffic out of your blog.

We’ve all heard the argument for blogging and the benefit of consistent high-quality content being published on your website from an SEO perspective but how do we get the most out of your efforts.

Number one is to plan content themes based on either time of the year or just per month or per quarter. If you’ve watched more than one of these videos I shoot you’ll notice I follow a monthly theme. We started in January – which was looking at keywords. We’re now in February and looking at on-page optimization. Next month we’ll be diving into link profiles and link building.

Having these themes allows you to better organize your ideas so you’re more likely to actually publish the content and it also helps you create groups of very relevant content that can help support each other to improve visibility of each other.

Number two is to leverage this content to internally link to your core service pages and other website content.

Based on the topic you’re writing about, chances are you have some sort of product or service that is similar in nature. Use that opportunity to build a relevant internal link to your product or service page based on the keywords you mapped to that page from your keyword research.

Number three – revisit or prune your content often. Similar to how pruning a plant will help it thrive, pruning your blog will also do the same.

It’s important to understand that we don’t always hit home runs with our content – and that’s okay – but sometimes we create content that simply doesn’t attract anyone. While this is just part of the process, it’s important that we understand this and take  

This is why we recommend you take an annual look at your entire blog content and identify your poor performing pieces of content – posts with less than say 5 organic visits over the last 12 months.

From here, you have a few options, rewrite and add to the content to add more value and try again, consolidate the post with another similar post in order to create a better resource, or simply delete and redirect to the most appropriate post or category page.

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